This is not a joke....Drew, Jackson, Drew's Father and I braved the redneck crowds and headed out to the NASCAR race this past weekend. Those funny movies, like Talladega Nights, aren't far off in terms of the crowd that attends one of these races....especially in the great state of Texas. People were shirtless, toothless and had hair in all the wrong places. I was in
AWE! Drew and his father did their own impersonation prior to leaving for the race (no, they did not wear their garb to the race...thank goodness)!!
Now, I do

have to say that I understand the fascination with the race itself. It is full of pomp and circumstance prior to the beginning of the actual

race. They roll the cars out and line them up. Then they drive each driver around the track in the back of a pickup truck so that they can wave at the fans prior to the beginning of the race. Finally...the moment that those cars start their engines the crowd really picks up and the heart starts pumping with anticipation of the pending race. Even though we were wearing ear plugs, there was a moment during the race when it was a little too loud for Jackson...Daddy had to cover his ears and comfort him a little bit. Other than that, Jackson
LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the race!! It was Lightening McQueen in real life...what little kid that loves the Cars movie wouldn't love a day at the race.
All in all, it was a fun afternoon. We managed to avoid most of the traffic by leaving with over 100 laps left to go (there were 330 in total, so we saw more than 1/2 of the race). Thanks to Otto for the tickets!!!
1 comment:
You have a GREAT blog site. Please remind us more often to come and visit.
Hey I think I know these two hoodlums.
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