So, about a week ago I went to pick Jackson up from school. I was met by his longstanding teacher, Ms. Haley. She proceeded to tell me that Jackson had done one of the funniest things that she has ever seen in her entire career as a teacher. I wanted to ask..."Seriously, even funnier than when he dropped his pants in the middle of circle time." But, I wasn't sure that she saw the humor of that particular day, so I opted for silence instead.
So, Ms. Haley grabbed a blue laminated art project that Jackson had worked on that day. The topic for the week was families, so she had asked all of the kiddos to draw a picture of their family. As Ms. Haley was going around the room she noticed that Jackson only had one person on his picture (see picture above). She asked him where his mommy and daddy were. Well, my kid proceeded to flip the picture over....

...and on the back Ms. Haley saw the following. She asked Jackson where his parents were. Jackson simply and sweetly told her that his mommy and daddy had been eaten by this shark. Can you see it?? The shark is at the top of the page....the teeth are on the left side of the oblong looking figure; the scribbles below are the water. No one can ever accuse Jackson of not thinking outside of the box.
Seriously...I love this kid!
I guess "Shark Week" on Discovery really made its mark?-Mike
He must really love you! Can't wait to see you guys next week!
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