The weekend started out with a Friday night Rangers baseball game. It was the first game that we had a chance to take Jackson to this whole season....I know, we are total slackers since the ballpark is about 20 minutes from our house. The game was really a lot of fun, and Jackson got into heckling the players...a lot! He heard some other kids, and of course Daddy, yelling at the players and decided that is what you are supposed to do

So early Saturday rolled around and NONE of us wanted to get out of bed. But we did and we made it in time to wait another 20 minutes until the team baseball picture (they can never stay on schedule). The Braves had a good game and the boys had a lot of fun. You can't ask for more with a bunch of 3 and 4 year olds : )
On Sunday Drew went Mt. bike riding. While gone, Jackson and I did some things around the house. He REALLY wanted to play with the Play-Doh, so I got it down from his high shelf in the closet and we went to town. We had so

In all we had a really fun weekend. We got to spend some time with family, we got to catch a couple ballgames, I got to make some more candles, and Drew and I were able to finish Season 2 of Heroes before the premier last night. The whole weekend must have really worn Jackson out, though, since he fell asleep in the car when I picked him up from school yesterday....that rarely ever happens! Side note, Jackson has a thing for picking "treasures" up on the playground at school. I have no idea where

Liz, I love your boy too! He is my favorite, and these pictures warmed my heart! Thank you for sharing...I am glad you had a great weekend!
Hi Liz,
My Mom sent me the address to your (and everyone's!) blogs. I look at them from time to time and just have to tell you how much I love pictures of Jackson. He just has the sweetest face and makes me smile every time I see pictures and read stories!!
Your cousin, Kelly
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