Somehow, even though we have had weeks worth of 100+ degree weather, Drew and I have managed to keep the front lawn and garden beautiful and green. It has been hard work, but really worthwhile in the long run. Oh, and I guess I should give most of the "green" credit to the sprinkler system (we've had to run it every other day) and some Texas specific fertilizer.
Now, let me tell you about what has been the biggest pain and the biggest challenge for us in terms of keeping the yard looking green. If you look closely at the pictures above you will notice that there are a lot of pine needles scattered on the sidewal
All-in-all, even through the heat and the massive piles of pine needles, I believe that I have discovered a new hobby/interest in life. This is the first home where I have truly been passionate about the yard care and gardens. I am already formulating ideas for what I can plant next spring! Oh, and Drew is thinking about attempting to grow a vegetable garden in the backyard (I am out on that idea)!!!
The house looks awesome! We are struggling with the same battle of trying to keep things green. Luckily, fall is just around the corner.
OH dearest cousins......Welcome to the bloggy world!! I love it!! Love you!! And that love love!
Tell Drew to do it...tomatoes grow like weeds here in Tejas
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