Jackson is a Brave! Today was the first day for the Fall BlastBall baseball season. Jackson was anxious to get to his first practice and meet his new team...although I think he assumed that his team and past teammates would be the same. After a few shy moments he got right out there and tossed the ball around with his good old mom (Drew was helping his Dad tile his bathroom). Things were chaotic for a little bit, as you might assume they would be with a bunch of
3 and 4 year olds, but all of the kids had so much fun. It also seemed like a really nice group of parents too, which I am excited about. I spent some time talking to one mother and her father, both of who were LDS....original hometown somewhere in Idaho and had lived for some time in SLC too. It looks like we are in for a good baseball season all around.

Let's go BRAVES!