We always look forward to Fall in Texas. It means cooler temperatures (our electric bill last month was $65 since the A/C has

been off), a slight change in leaf color (nothing like CT, CO or UT), and the beginning of the holiday season. What it also means, especially now that we are in the house in Grapevine, is that we have to deal with
massive amounts of leaves in our front and backyard!!

This past Saturday Drew and I decided that it was time to begin the process of fall cleanup. Mind you, during the summer we were out in the yard at least once or twice a week raking up the pine needles that would cover the lawn. So, we are no stranger to the rake and bags / garbage cans full of lawn debris. Long story short, we ended up with about 20 bags full of leaves. Yes, we were Eco friendly and bought Home Depot bags that will decompose along with the leaves, as opposed to 20+ plastic bags that would sit in a

landfill for who knows how many years.
Normally Jackson loves to help us when we are working in the yard. While short lived sometimes, the fact that he offers to help is just so sweet. While he did pick up a few handfuls of leaves, most of his time was spent either riding through the piles on his bike or his electric "car movie" car. At one point he ran head first into a pile with his car, and then proceeded to drive all of his other
vehicles (bikes, trucks, etc) into the pile too. Drew and I didn't have the heart to be mad, even when he started loading up his large dump truck with piles of needles and leaves and began making his own new piles : ). He was a kid being a kid!! The good news is we got the yard cleaned up and looking good. The bad news is that there are a TON of leaves still on the trees....
this was just one of many yard-work-leaf-pickup weekends : (