Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Busy Weekend!

This past weekend was full of fun and excitement with a visit to the Ringling Bros. Circus on Saturday and then the afternoon Rangers game on Sunday. Boy, was it ever hot too!!!
The circus was full of the normal circus acts....elephants, tigers, motorcycles in the globe, etc. Jackson really enjoyed it, but was certainly ready to go by the end. The show was REALLY long...almost too long, I think. It was just about 2 1/2 hours long!!!! But, in all it was fun. Jackson brought his neighbor friend along....let's just say he looked less than enthused about the circus.

The Rangers game was pretty exciting, considering that they were playing the Red Sox and battling it out for the wild card spot. The only drawback was the HEAT! It was so hot. Jackson was ready to go by the end of the 2nd inning, but we got him through the 7th inning stretch with lots of water, lemon chill, peanuts and of course a hot dog. Thankfully the Rangers won and were able to move ahead and the Red Sox (sorry Sam : ).

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ready for Fall & Legos

During this time of the year it is hard for us to understand why we choose to live in Texas. With the 100+ degree temps and the not being able to play outside, things get a little mundane around here. So, we always look forward to the day when the after school activities, swimming, etc.

New on the agenda this year is a Lego class. You read it right...a Lego class. We are lucky enough to have the only Lego Education Center within the U.S. right down the road from our house. So, Jackson will officially begin his Lego training in about a month. It is a 48 week long course, broken down into 4 segments. For the first segment, he will be studying modes of transportation in space. Sounds so cool!! I think we are all pretty excited for the beginning of the class...I can't wait to see what he does!